María Elena Jaime de Pablos

is Senior Lecturer at the University of Almería (Spain), where she teaches English Literature. Her major research interests are postcolonial and Irish literature, with a special focus on women writers and gender issues. She is the author of La visión de la mujer irlandesa de finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX en la narrativa de George Moore: una perspectiva feminista (2000), co-author of Distancias cortas. El relato breve en Gran Bretaña, Irlanda y Estados Unidos, 1995-2005 (2010) and co-editor of Nuevas perspectivas críticas en los estudios de literatura irlandesa (2003), Irish Landscapes (2003), Joyceana: literia hibernica (2005), Análisis de género en los estudios irlandeses (2007) and George Moore and the Quirks of Human Nature (2014). She is currently the general editor of Raudem, Revista de Estudios de las Mujeres, an online journal on women’s studies, and a member of two research projects: “Cuerpos en tránsito 2/Bodies in Transit 2” (FFI2017-84555-C2-1-P), funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the European Regional Development Fund, and the Spanish Research Agency, and “Escritoras inéditas en español en los albores del siglo XX (1880-1920). Renovación pedagógica del canon literario/Unpublished Women Writers in Spanish at the Dawn of the 20th Century (1880-1920). Pedagogical Renewal of the Literary Cannon” (SA019P17), funded by the Regional Government of Castile-Leon (Spain) and the European Regional Development Fund.